19 de novembro de 2010

Investing in technology is also investing in People


There are times we have noticed the great effort to have more powerful hardware and software that is more capable hardware allow us to use more complex software on the other hand, more complex software require more powerful hardware. Today we have a balance that effect, but one of the links broke: the peopleware (the part relating to people). To understand, we say that due to the advancement of technology today we live in a smaller world. At least in the 70 people individually owned and approximately 75% of knowledge, today we have this knowledge in the collective due to the spread of technology access and communications, particularly for investments in the distribution of Internet connection that is increasingly on -to-day and residential schools (In the '80s and early '90s access was restricted almost solely to the businesses because the cost and availability.
The companies were the first to wake up to the collective knowledge and called for its use and aggregation in improving products and especially services. These companies are called "learning organizations" because, according to David Garvin, in his book "Building a Learning Organization - Harvard Business Review," is that it possesses the ability to create and transfer knowledge as well as being able to modify their behavior to reflect new knowledge and ideas. I remember that once weekly meeting, the then Manager of Infrastructure and Technology - Horst Hunger said, - "... the knowledge of the expertise and experience of each engineer and analyst in the department as a collective knowledge of great quality and great success for the company and hence for all of us ... "well, maybe not" exactly "those words, but surely this was the idea that he wished to go (we can also call it synergy or so of cognitive value added).

However, in today's world everyone wants to get rid of old patterns and old theories and thus offer the best products and services (now called solutions). This unbridled race means that we have to rethink our values and habits so quickly that often abandoned them for no reason. Because of this, what we have today many companies are changing for nothing, ie do not add value, and still end up losing those years to achieve that cost. We can say that the learning process was not mature enough to assess itself. The field of knowledge and use of technology are not only super computers to employees connected to the Internet at a speed excessive, we must remember that investments in technology will only cause damage (s) to individuals and companies are not integrated and adapted to it, or even not have a concept or definition of what it will do with it (objectivity).
Otherwise also does not help train and not giving the right tools for each employee. I do not agree that companies cut access to sites and applications that simply "judge not productive," I agree with clear policies and widespread, training, studies and teachings, as well as projects for directions from unproductive to productive leisure hours. It is humanly impossible for one person to produce the desired quality eight hours a day. An example are companies that only allow Internet access to the group of directors, believing that employees will not work if it gets access to them - But who can we blame? From the company that does not train and does not trust the official or employee who is unable to manage your time between activities? Companies do not invest in costly training ground (it really is expensive to train), on the other side since the rural exodus to the industrial revolution in which the man left the field and formed schools of learning, is that man is studying for adapt to the changes imposed by new standards and concepts, whether commercial or not.

We must have me mind that technology only makes sense if the service of people, said Fabio Gandour - Manager of New Technologies and complements IBM, "The Internet is today the Via Appia," (a major road was created more than 300 years before the Christian era, linking Rome to southern Italy). "She used to move goods, services and information. It remains to us to enjoy the best possible way that this structure represents," Gandour said. Encouraged to set the Internet, the IBM scientist did not hesitate: "It is and will increasingly be a skin covering everything in the world." That is why investing in people also ends up being: invest in technology and investing in technology is also investing in people.

brasilOriginal text in Brazilian Portuguese

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